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Chairman Message

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건강문화 선도기업
Ceragem was the first company that pursued the thermal massager for happy and healthy lifestyle. Therefore, for the past ten years; Ceragem had faced many challenges and obstacles. Ceragem initiated the automation system in the thermal massager for the first time in the healthcare industry. Later on, Ceragem got ahead of the overseas market and established the global network with empty hands that founded the company. As the the “World Best Healthcare Partner,” Ceragem will go forwards to expand and achieve the main goals of Ceragem.
인류 건강증진
Health is the most valuable virtue; therefore, Ceragem has done its utmost to fulfill the social responsibility and to help people to have happy and healthy lifestyle since its establishment in 1990 with the philosophy of “Love, Service and Kindness.” Every person who works for Ceragem has put significant effort into becoming the “World Best Healthcare Partner.”.

All staff members and employees, including me have kept in the mind the fact that this achievement could be made due to our customers’ continuous love and support. Since satisfying customers’ needs is our first priority, we will do our best to help customers.
Please keep eye on Ceragem that will do utmost to become a trustworthy company, pursuing the healthy lifestyle and supporting the customers’ health and happiness.

Thank you.